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Using the editor (old)

Franck Velasco edited this page Jan 9, 2022 · 1 revision

Opening the editor

There are several ways to open the editor.

  • Using the hotkey
  • Using the /ibe command

Using the hotkey

The editor can be opened by pressing the I hotkey. This hotkey can be configured in the Controls menu. After pressing the hotkey,

  • If you have a GUI opened and the mouse pointer is over a non-empty slot, opens the item editor for the item in the slot;
  • Else, if you are in the world, applies the world editor algorithm.

Using the /ibe command

The editor can also be opened by entering the /ibe command. This command takes an optional parameter to specify which editor you want to open.

After entering the command,

  • If you didn't specify the optional parameter, applies the world editor algorithm;
  • If you specified the optional parameter, tries to open the specified editor using the same criteria as the world editor algorithm for this editor, or displays an error in the chat when it's not possible to open this editor.

World editor algorithm

  • If you look at an entity, opens the entity editor for this entity;
  • Else, if you look at a block, opens the block editor for this block;
  • Else, if you have an item in your hand, opens the item editor for this item;
  • Else, opens the entity editor for your player entity.

Using the editor


After opening the editor, you will have this kind of screen, depending on what you wanted to edit (see Item Editor image).

The editor is divided in two parts: the left part, with the categories, and the right part, with the properties for each category. You can switch category by clicking on the corresponding category name in the left column.

  • Clicking on the Done button will apply changes and close the editor.
  • Clicking on the Cancel button will close the editor without applying the changes.
  • Clicking on the Apply button will apply changes and keep the editor open.

Reset to default button

Most properties display a Reset to default button on the right. It means that it resets the property value to the value that you had the last time you applied changes, or if you didn't apply changes, to the value that you had when you opened the editor. Example :

  • I open an item editor. The count is 1.
  • I set the count to 2.
  • I press Reset to default : the count is back to 1.
  • I set the count to 2.
  • I press Apply.
  • I set the count to 3.
  • I press Reset to default : the count is back to 2.

Format button

Some properties, like item name, can be formatted with colors, bold, underlined text, etc. When pressing this button, it will append the format character § to the text field. Depending on your configuration, it will append the character at the cursor position or at the end of the field (see Configuration, appendFormatCharAtCursor). Then, you can add whatever you want after this character to apply text formatting.

For more information about the different color and formatting codes, see this page.