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Releases: stschiff/sequenceTools

Release v1.6.0.0

29 Jan 16:33
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This release adds the Variant Call Format (VCF) to its possible output options. To select it, just pass the option --vcf. The file is output to the standard-out. So you can run something like

samtools mpileup ... | pileupCaller --randomHaploid -f <snp_file> --vcf > output.vcf

You can also zip the output, by chaining it through gzip -c:

samtools mpileup ... | pileupCaller --randomHaploid -f <snp_file> --vcf | gzip -c > output.vcf

Please take a look at the README, which has been updated.

Release v1.5.4.0_more_binaries

31 Jul 20:34
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The code hasn't changed, but I have implemented a new GitHub-action workflow, and here provide executable binaries for more platforms, including conda.

Release v1.5.4.0

07 Mar 17:06
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  • updated sequence-formats dependency allows more lenient parsing of pileup-data, now also allowing for arbitrary reference alleles (not just ACTGN). This won't affect calling (reads that support an allele that is not in the SNP-file input are treated as before), but will be less disruptive when parsing pileup-input, for example without a bed-file in samtools.
  • improved error output for parsing problems with pileup-format data. Now only a small part of the problematic chunk is output, hopefully easing error interpretation in such cases
  • output a useful error message if the number of samples passed in --sampleNames is inconsistent with the pileup-input
  • --samplePopName now accepts multiple pop-names, separated by comma. The number of pop-names must then match the number of samples.

Fixed bug in vcf2eigenstrat

08 Nov 10:08
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This release fixes a bug in vcf2eigenstrat, which previously would fail on missing quality fields in the VCF.


26 Apr 19:00
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This release just updated to the latest Compiler, with some internal code changes. No actual feature additions or patches.


05 Feb 22:00
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This release introduces an option to encode population names flexibly in plink format, and fixes a big which caused pileupCaller to exit when encountering reference-skip symbols.


17 Feb 08:26
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This version fixes a bug that --samplePopName needed to be entered after -e or -p (#23), and it links to the updated sequence-formats-1.6.3, which fixes a bug in parsing pileup-formatted data, where lower-letter reference alleles would not be properly converted to capital letters.


15 Sep 15:32
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see Changelog


13 Sep 16:25
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see Changelog

Version 1.4.0

09 Sep 10:07
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A substantially new release that includes an option to handle single-stranded library prep data in pileupCaller.

Key updates:

  • Lots of internal refactoring and addition of automatic tests.
  • Different handling of triallelic sites by default. You can restore the old behaviour using --keepIncongruentReads
  • Removed some dangerous options, such as running without a SNP file.
  • Added option to handle single-stranded library prep (using --singleStrandMode).
  • Outputting some basic statistics per sample