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Beach Tutorial Zone

Jet-Troublemag edited this page Aug 15, 2021 · 2 revisions

The design of the beach area incorporates a general teaching of all the games basic mechanics. The player will start near the edge of the beach, and will follow a main path that teaches them the mechanics of jumping, climbing, and rolling.

Following this main path will not provide the player with enough food to exit into the next area, so the player must then explore their surroundings and find food that is hidden behind slightly more advanced challenges, testing the player's skills some more.

These challenges include,

  • Searching behind tall grass (Exploration challenge)
  • Climbing a hidden rock (Climbing challenge)
  • Platforming over a few stones in the water (Platforming challenge)
  • Climbing a rock and rolling down a precarious ramp (Rolling challenge)

The idea of this zone is to teach the player the mechanics, and then briefly test them on them, to make sure they know what they're doing before they are advanced to the next area. The zone is also quite small comparatively, so the player can get used to the controls and mechanics in a much more controlled environment.

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