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Planning Optimisation

Stefan Fjällemark edited this page Apr 12, 2023 · 2 revisions

You often know in advance how many participants that will attend in a layout at a meeting. The number of participants may vary over the days.

Usually a fixed number of people will be assigned as station staff, i.e. dispatchers, shunters, shadow station managers etc. The remaning number of participants is the maximum available train drivers. From this number you may deduct a few persons to get a realistic maximum available train drivers. This value is enter for the layout.

When you add trains to the timetable, each train includes preparation and finishing times. First arrival time is the start of preparation time, and last departure time is end of finishing time.

A presentation of number of loco drivers required per minute during the timetable session is helpful in order to maximise loco driver utilisation and minimise waiting times between jobs. The presentation also helps you not to exceed this maximum by colouring levels different.


Available subjects, see above.

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